Bowls Development
For any help with Bowls Development please contact
John Woakes
County Development Officer
07950 666885
On Monday 16th September the first group of students from Bishop of Hereford Bluecoat School arrived at St Martins B.C. for their first coaching session on a real bowling green.
15 students arrived with Susan Thomas, second in physical education, bright and early at 9:30am for a 2 hour session.
After introductions were made the students were split into 3 groups each with a qualified coach, the sessions were split into 2 halves with the first half being group coaching where students learnt how to hold a bowl, how to position it for either forehand or backhand shots, how to stand on the mat and how to score.
The second half of the session saw the students competing against each other on the assault course where points could be earnt, this was where the lessons learnt in the earlier session could be put into practice.
At the end of the session prizes were awarded to each group based on their final scores, bronze, silver or gold and the appropriate medals were handed out to all that participated. Each coach nominated a bowler of the day from their group.
Feedback from Susan Thomas was that 14 out of the 15 students attending would like to have another go.
Plans are being formulated for 1 or 2 more coaching sessions and then for Bishop of Hereford Bluecoat School to play against another school in a small competition.
All in all a great success and a start of good things to come for the youth of Herefordshire.
Happy Bowling.
On Tuesday 9th July at 6pm Stride Active brought teachers from 5 different schools to St Martins Bowling Club for a taster session.
These being Shobden Primary, Much Birch Primary, Steiner, Stretton Sugwas & Westfield.
The 5 teams of 6 players were all given an introduction to bowling with a half hour coaching session before playing a shortened version of the game with points being awarded for the closest 4 bowls over 2 ends.
There was also an obstacle course and a nearest the ditch competition where they could boost their points total.
The evening was a great success and some schools are hoping to start bringing students to St Martins in 2025.
There were 2 Stride Active awards on the night the one for the team with the highest score and the other for the team that showed the best spirit of sportsmanship values.
On Monday 24th June the sport of Bowls descended onto the Bishop Of Hereford Bluecoat School for their annual enrichment week.
During a very hot 5 days approximately 125 students (10% of the student body) were given coaching on the sport by a number of coaches and volunteers.
The week was a great success with students having coaching followed by an obstacle course where they could earn points.
Each day there were prizes given out to all students for their efforts, these being donated by "Coach Bowls".
By the end of the week the consensus of opinion from the students was, that of the 30 different activities that they participated in that week Bowls was the most enjoyable.
The School is now looking to start bringing students to bowling clubs near them to further enhance their skills with a view to them joining clubs and taking up the sport full time.
Susan Thomas, second in physical education, at Bishop of Hereford Bluecoat School stated that she wanted to use the sport of bowls as a medium for students that like playing sports but may not have the attributes to be a footballer, cricketer or a rugby player.
Future plans are being looked at into making bowls a permanent fixture during "Enrichment Week" at the school.
A big thank you goes out to all the support that I was given by the volunteers during this week, without which, I could not have made it the great success that it was.
If you would like to run or are looking to run a school session at your club and would like help please contact me using the above details.
"Happy Bowling"
John Woakes
On Friday 14th June at 11.30am schools from Herefordshire in association with Stride Active visited ST. Martins B.C.
Steiner Academy, Riverside Primary & ST. Peters primary school all brought along approximately 20 year 5 pupils for a taster session.
There were a number of exciting but challenging games being played across all six rinks, where points could be earned for accuracy.
The pupils found the event a thoroughly enjoyable experience despite the occasional shower.
Riverside Primary have already been in contact with myself about further sessions.
If you would like to run or are looking to run a school session at your club and would like help please contact me using the above details.
Happy Bowling
On 27th May 9 county coaches and players congregated at St Martins B.C. for a coaching session by VIBE national development officer David Stott.
Organised by St Martins B.C. the session included coaching in the morning followed by a taster session in the afternoon for a couple of VI bowlers.
The coaching session was enjoyed by all, skills learnt in the morning were then put to the test in the afternoon session with the new bowlers.
Vicki & Colin the two VI bowlers thoroughly enjoyed the session and Vicki has started going to St Martins on Monday's to continue her coaching.
If you would like any help with an event or coaching session please contact John Woakes County Development Officer