Bowls Herefordshire Constitution
- Title
- Status
- Objects and Aims
- Membership
- Membership Fees
- Administration – Executive
- Administration - Sections
- Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings
- County Matches
- County Badge
- Competitions
- Discipline
- Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults
- Anti-Doping
- Indemnity
- Monetary Gain
- Dissolution
- Data Protection
- Matters Not Covered
- APPENDIX A - Standing Orders
- APPENDIX B – Key Dates Calendar
1 - Title
1.1 The Association will be known as Bowls Herefordshire (BH) and was formed in 2011.
2 - Status
2.1 Bowls Herefordshire is a non profit organisation.
2.2 Bowls Herefordshire is a full member of Bowls England (BEng)
3 – Objects and Aims
3.1 Promote and foster the game of outdoor flat green bowls in Herefordshire
3.2 Adopt and conform to BEng Rules and Regulations and the Crystal Mark Laws of the Sport (Third edition) or subsequent revision issued by World Bowls.
3.3 Effectively manage the financial affairs of Bowls Herefordshire
3.4 Organise mixed competitions within Bowls Herefordshire for affiliated clubs and individuals.
3.5 Arrange mixed inter-county and other Bowls Herefordshire mixed matches. The ladies and men’s sections will organise all single gender events.
3.6 Interpret all rules and regulations.
3.7 Arbitrate on all disputes between clubs and members in accordance with BEng Regulation 9.
3.8 Act on all matters of misconduct in accordance with Regulation 9.
3.9 Promote a safe environment for children and vulnerable adults in accordance with the safeguarding policy of BEng.
3.10 Encourage and promote qualifications in both umpiring and coaching.
3.11 Be aware of all legislation that might relate to outdoor flat green bowling.
4 - Membership
4.1 Membership is open to all Bowling Clubs, playing under the code of Bowls England, in the County of Herefordshire within its boundaries as existing at 31st March 1965. and any Bowling Club, playing under the same code, in an adjacent County which is not affiliated to the Bowls England or the Welsh Bowling Association.
4.2 Any Club desirous of membership shall be proposed and seconded by Clubs in good standing within Bowls Herefordshire. Once admitted to BH each club will be able to send one lady to the ladies section meeting and one man to the men’s section meetings. Names of these representations to be sent to the respective section secretary within one month of acceptance by BH.
4.3 All Clubs must be able to obtain permission from their appropriate landlord to play County Competitions or County matches on their green, if required.
4.4 Bowls Herefordshire shall have power to elect Honorary Life Members for services rendered to the game of bowls or the Association. but such Members; though entitled to attend the A.G.M. and Executive Committee meetings, shall have no right to vote, and shall not be eligible for election to Committees or Sub-Committees, unless representing a Club affiliated to Bowls Herefordshire as delegate or nominated andelected as an Officer of the Association.
4.5 Bowls Herefordshire men will be affiliated to the Three Counties Bowling Association.
5 – Membership Fees
5.1 The annual subscription from each Club shall be per member irrespective of gender at a rate decided at each Annual General Meeting.
This subscription, together with the Club affiliation fee to Bowls England shall
be forwarded to Bowls Herefordshire Hon. Administrator by no later than the 30th November 10th May each year and will be based on membership of the Club as of the previous 30th September. on the 1st May of the current year.
5.2 Failure to pay the annual subscription by the 30th November 10th May will result in the club being suspended until payment is received. Suspension will result in the club members being unable to attend meetings, play competitions or matches under the control of BH and it’s sections.
5.3 Each Club when paying their affiliation fees will supply the Hon. Administrator with a list of the names and optional telephone numbers of players being affiliated.
6 – Administration EXECUTIVE
6.1 The Officers of Bowls Herefordshire shall consist of Bowls Herefordshire Executive : Chairman, Hon. Administrator, County Umpire Co-ordinator, County Coach (as elected by the Herefordshire Coaches),County Welfare Officer and Development Officer.
These Officers duly elected at the Bowls Herefordshire AGM and the men/ladies officers of the sections (listed below) elected at their respective Open Meeting will serve on the Bowls Herefordshire Executive.
Men’s Section : President, Senior Vice President, Junior Vice President, Immediate Past President. Hon.Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Match Secretary,
Competition Secretary, Male Bowls England
Ladies Section : President,Vice President, Immediate Past President.
Hon.Secretary, Hon. Assistant Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Competition Secretary, Female Bowls England Representative
6.2 The affairs of the association shall be managed by an Executive Committee which shall consist of the Officers (as listed in 6.1) and two Members from each Club (One Male and One Female). The name and address of these members shall be sent to the Hon. Administrator no later than the 30th November each year.
6.3 The Executive Committee shall have power to appoint Sub-Committees and depute to them all or any of their duties.
6.4 Quorum required for Annual General meetings, Special General Meetings and Executive Meetings must consist of 33% of the Club representatives being in attendance.
6.5 No Club affiliated to Bowls Herefordshire shall have more than four votes on the Bowls Herefordshire Executive Committee.
6.6 The financial year will end on the 30th September each year. The accounts shall be audited and a balance sheet issued to each Club at the AGM.
6.7 The Honorary Administrator shall keep a record of all the business transacted at the General and Executive Meetings. They will carry out all other secretarial duties in accordance with the decisions and direction of the Bowls Herefordshire Executive Committee. The Administrator shall submit to the Annual General meeting a report of the proceedings of the County since the last Annual General Meeting including a review of the audited accounts.
The Hon. Administrator will give not less than fourteen days notice of meetings as required under these rules.
On receipt of the affiliation fees (as per 5.1) and competition fees (as per 7.2)
the Hon. Administrator shall forward the Bowls England fee. They shall also
forward the Bowls Herefordshire fee to each of the sections in line with their membership (less the amount that has been agreed to be retained by Bowls Herefordshire with the agreement of both sections); this transfer to be completed by 31st January.31st May
6.8 Cheques to be signed by any two of the following: the Chairman, Administrator, and a third signature as decided at the Annual General Meeting, and whose signatures shall be lodged with the Bank.
6.9 Honorary Life members and Past Presidents are entitled to attend all Bowls Herefordshire Executive and own gender Section meetings but may not vote unless as an Appointed Delegate or Officer.
6.10 Each Club in Bowls Herefordshire shall forward to the Hon.Administrator the names and addresses of their Officers (including County Representatives), by the 30th November of each year.
6.11 The Executive Committee shall meet at least twice a year.
7 – Administration SECTIONS
7.1 Each gender will have its own Section Committee which will meet as required to organise matches and competitions.
a) Ladies Management Committee will consist of the Ladies Section Officers plus one lady representative from each affiliated Club.
b) Mens Management Committee will consist of the Male Section Officers plus one male representative from each affiliated Club.
7.2 Each Section will collect their competition entry fees due to Bowls England, and with the entry numbers for each competition, forward them to the Bowls Herefordshire Hon. Administrator by no later than the November 30th 31st January each year.
7.3 Each section will have it’s own rules to include election of section officers.
7.4 Each section to forward a copy of their audited accounts to the Bowls Herefordshire Administrator ASAP after being accepted at the appropriate Open Meeting.
8 - Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings
8.1 The Annual General Meeting shall be held during the last week of November at which meeting the election of the Officers and other business previously notified shall take place.
The auditor will also be elected at the Annual General meeting.
The retiring Officers and Executive Committee shall remain in office until the
close of the meeting.
8.2 Club’s may be represented by any number of members but only one club delegate shall be empowered to vote. Each Club will name their representatives at the start of the Annual General Meeting. (A substitute may attend if necessary.)
8.3 Officers of the Association shall not vote unless acting as nominated Club representative. The Chairman shall have a casting vote.
8.4 All Nominations for Office and notice of motions must be sent in writing to the Hon. Administrator, duly proposed and seconded by Clubs in good standing within Bowls Herefordshire, by the 30th September
When members are nominated for office and belong to more than one club they must obtain written permission from their parent club to stand.
8.5 The Hon. Administrator shall convene a Special General Meeting at the request of the executive, one of the sections or in writing by not less than three Clubs belonging to Bowls Herefordshire
This request shall contain the nature of the business to be discussed.
8.6 Notice of any proposed amendment to these Rules and Bye-Laws, together with the name of the proposer and seconder Clubs of good standing within Bowls Herefordshire, and the proposed amendment, shall be sent in writing to the Hon. Administrator by 30th September before the Annual General Meeting or 21 days before Special General Meeting at which such amendment is to be brought forward and Notice thereof sent to each Club belonging to the Association. The Bowls Herefordshire executive or one of the Section’s may also propose amendments. Any alterations or additions shall come into force immediately after they have been adopted.
8.7 The agenda for the Annual General Meeting or Special General meeting will not allow any other business including nothing from the floor.
9 – County Matches
9.1 Will be defined by the rules of the Mens and Ladies Sections.
9.2 Mixed executive games must be arranged by the Bowls Herefordshire Administrator. Any new fixtures must be approved by of the Bowls Herefordshire executive.
The date of any mixed executive game should avoid, if possible, any existing
Section inter-county matches. Each section secretary will supply half the
bowlers required three weeks before the game is scheduled and the Adminstrator will then arrange for the names to be merged (where possible an equal number of men and ladies in each position).
10 – County Badge
10.1 Will be defined by the rules of the Mens and Ladies Sections
11 – Competitions
11.1 An elected member of the Bowls Herefordshire Executive Committee shall organise each year the mixed Competitions which shall be played under the rules and conditions as laid down by Bowls Herefordshire.
12 - Discipline
12.1 Procedures shall be as detailed in Bowls England Regulations
and carried out by Bowls Herefordshire.
13 – Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults
13.1 Procedures shall be as detailed in Bowls England Regulations.
14 – Anti-Doping
14.1 Procedures shall be as detailed in Bowls England Regulations.
15 - Indemity
15.1 Each member of Bowls Herefordshire shall (to the extent that such person is not entitled to recover under any policy of insurance) be entitled to be indemnified out of any and all funds available to Bowls Herefordshire, which may lawfully be so applied, against all costs, expenses and liabilities whatsoever incurred by such person in the proper execution and discharge of duties undertaken on behalf of Bowls Herefordshire or arising there from, or incurred in good faith in the purported discharge of such duties
16 – Monetary Gain
16.1 No person, or a firm, company or undertaking in which any association
representative or officer is involved, shall be entitled to derive or otherwise receive any income, benefit or advantage from the Association where that person is able to determine or materially influence the amount or nature of that income, benefit or advantage, provided that any persons who render professional services to the Association shall be entitled to be paid all usual and reasonable professional business and trade charges for work done for the Association. The provisions and effect of this paragraph shall not be removed from this Constitution and shall be included and implied in any new Constitution replacing this Constitution.
17 - Dissolution
17.1 In the event of disbandment of Bowls Herefordshire any balance remaining after disposing of assets, including trophies and paying all due debts and meeting proper commitments, shall be distributed by the Bowls Herefordshire Executive to the affiliated Clubs in good standing at the time of the disbandment in equal shares.
18 – Data Protection
18.1 Procedures shall be as detailed in Bowls England Regulations.
19 – Matters Not Covered
19.1 That an Annual Presentation Dinner/Luncheon/Function to be held on the first Sunday in October.
19.2 The foregoing Rules and Bye Laws were approved and adopted at an Annual/Special General Meeting of members of the Bowls Herefordshire held on TBA when it was resolved that the said Rules and Bye Laws be brought into operation forthwith and that any Rules and Bye Laws previously made and in existence are hereby revoked.
APPENDIX A - Standing Orders
At the Annual, Emergency and Executive Committee meetings the proposer and/or seconder of any proposition, and the proposer/seconder of an amendment, has the right to reply. During the reply new matters shall not be introduced and the reply must be confined to questions from the floor.
No other person shall be allowed to speak more than once on the same proposition unless given permission by the Chairman.
Any relevant amendment to the proposition must be taken and voted upon before any vote on the original proposition. No individual may make more than one amendment to the same proposition.
A proposition on any matter shall not be considered at any Annual or Emergency meeting unless specified on the Agenda.
APPENDIX B – Key Dates Calendar
30th September – 1) End of financial year for Bowls Herefordshire 2) Deadline date for nominations for office and notice of motions for the AGM. 3) Deadline date for notice of any proposed amendment to these Rules and Bye-Laws,
First Sunday in October – Annual Presentation
Last Week in November – Bowls Herefordshire AGM
30th November – 1) Clubs should forward the names and address of their two representatives on the Bowls Herefordshire executive. 2) Deadline date for clubs to supply the administrator with the name and address of the club officers (including county representatives)
31st January – Each Section will collect their competition entry fees due to Bowls England, and with the entry numbers for each competition, forward them to the Bowls Herefordshire Hon. Administrator
1st May - Date for clubs to calculate number of members to be affiliated to Bowls England and Bowls Herefordshire for payment.
10th May - 1) Deadline date for Clubs to forward Bowls England and Bowls Herefortdshire affilation fees to the Administrator 2) Failure to pay club will be suspended
31st May – 1) Hon. Administrator shall forward the Bowls England fee 2) Deadline date for each section to receive their share of the affiliation fees (less the amount that has been agreed to be retained by Bowls Herefordshire with the agreement of both sections.
Last Updated November 2018 (August 2020 - Highlighted sections to go to next AGM)